Monday, January 18, 2016


There is a huge misconception when it comes to WD40. It is a fantastic thing to use when something is seized or needs to be cleaned up (surface contamination). Also, it helps to remove grease/oil from metallic surfaces really well.

What WD40 is not, is a lube. When you spray it out, it dries out in a short while. Regular oil, grease does not do this. So when you spray a healthy amount of WD40 on your chain, it dries out in a day or two, removes all the oil that was there and causes surface rust to appear(unless you live in or near a desert). This causes a chain to wear out 10x faster.

If you spray WD40 on a chain to clean it, then let it dry, wipe the residue off and then add quality chain lube.

WD40 is a fantastic tool in your toolbox, but make sure to use it properly and in the right way.

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