Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Frame building basics #2.2 - Steel

Good quality and affordable steel has really transformed our world. In addition to being used for cars and motorcycles, quality materials have found their way onto bicycles aswell.

There are so many different steels (alloyed and non-alloyed) that I am going to try to describe three main types of steel and bring out a few examples.
  • low carbon steel. Very affordable, average strength and fairly workable (cutting and machining). Very weldable and does not need artificial aging and hardening. Main alloying elements are Manganese and Carbon. For example 1010 steel.
  • Alloyed steel. Fairly expensive, can be extremely strong. Difficult to work (cutting and machining). Fairly weldable, does need aging, but not tempering/hardening post welding. Main alloying elements are Chromium, Molybdenum, Carbon and Manganese. For example 4140 low alloy steel.
  • Corrosion resistant steel. Fairly expensive, can be very strong. Difficult to work (cutting and machining). Fairly weldable (needs purging gas). Main alloying elements are Chromium and Nickel. For example 304 stainless steel.

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