Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Building frames - a new series starting 22 of Dec!

Hey guys,

I'm in the process of starting up my own bicycle company.

Building frames - new series of posts, where you can join me in seeing how a bicycle frame starts from a bunch of tubes and ends up as a beautiful frame! I'll go over geometries, materials, cutting, threading and all manner of other stuff interesting and uninteresting :)

Planning to do 2 bike types - singlespeed bikes and fixie bikes. I'd love your feedback on my ideas :)

Aimed to be ultrasleek and ultralight. Currently I'm trying to get it to weigh around 7.9 kg or about 17.4 pounds. Comfortable yet very agile to use. Frame size would not be variable, fixed at 60cm or 19 inches.
1-2 colors and a few other small things you could change - very basic yet very versatile.
* Light, sleek and sexy
* Easy to use, for city folk

It would be of a similar concept to the singlespeed, but lacking a rear brake and utilizing a much more agressive parts - heavier gears, lighter(and smaller) tires, stronger spokes, a much more agressive fork/ handlebar combination. The frame would be almost completely made to order - almost anything can be changed.
* Light, svelt and agressive stance
* Customizeable frame

Custom frames and framekits for everybody! For the near future, I am limiting production to only singlespeed frames and biketrials frames. Pictures and info shall start arriving in the near future, when I've gotten a chance to get more pics!

Let me know what you think, feedback much appreciated. Pricepoints are still open, but hoping to keep the price in the 350-450 USD/  270-340 EUR range.

Thanks :)

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